Наш Бог
- Ашот Фудживарович

Ижевские девятки продолжают карпунить шаху, а волги продолжают гнить без шприцевания. Скрипят и грохочут, пока Москивичи ездят чисто по кайфу. Небольшого расхода жиес, суеты побольше и не будьте Автош, будьте хотя-бы рестомодами. Хуев в жопу, А-76 в бак.

Create an invite-only place where you belong

Create an invite-only place where you belong

Discord servers are organized into topic-based channels where you can collaborate, share, and just talk about your day without clogging up a group chat.
Where hanging out is easy

Where hanging out is easy

Grab a seat in a voice channel when you’re free. Friends in your server can see you’re around and instantly pop in to talk without having to call.
From few to a fandom

From few to a fandom

Get any community running with moderation tools and custom member access. Give members special powers, set up private channels, and more.

Сайт создал ИТАЛЬЯШКА

Low-latency voice and video feels like you’re in the same room. Wave hello over video, watch friends stream their games, or gather up and have a drawing session with screen share.

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